
electric shock معنى

electric shock أمثلة على
  • صَدْمَة كَهْرَبَائِيَّة


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. It was like receiving an electric shock through the eyes.
    كان الأمر يُشبه تلقي صدمة كهربائية عبر العيون.
  2. Well, you suffered a profound electric shock last week.
    حسناً، أنت تعانى من صدمة كهربائيه منذ الأسبوع الماضي
  3. Aw, man! This Electric Shock Gumball doesn't work, either.
    يا رجل , ان تلك الصدمة الكهربائية لا تعمل بسهولة
  4. She'd had all this... electric shock therapy and... her hair looked grey.
    كانت قد عُولجت... بالصدمات الكهربائية و.. شاب شعرُها
  5. You feel an electric shock and then they're there.
    تشعر بصدمة كهربائية قد مرت في جسدك و فجأة، ها هم

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. a reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body; "subjects received a small electric shock when they made the wrong response"; "electricians get accustomed to occasional shocks"
    مرادفات electrical shock, shock
  2. the use of electricity to administer punishment or torture; "they used cattle prods to administer electric shocks"
  3. trauma caused by the passage of electric current through the body (as from contact with high voltage lines or being struck by lightning); usually involves burns and abnormal heart rhythm and unconsciousness

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. electric resistance معنى
  2. electric resistance welding معنى
  3. electric sail معنى
  4. electric shaver معنى
  5. electric sheep معنى
  6. electric spark معنى
  7. electric sports cars معنى
  8. electric steam boiler معنى
  9. electric stimulation معنى
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